Elie Dibeh -
Sales, Outdoor Sales,
Objectives: “A product is good as long as it sells!”
Effective cash van selling is no longer only transaction-based but rather “relationship-based. The selling skills we learned in the past remain important and fundamental to success, but what distinguishes high performers from medium performers is the way we involve the customers throughout the selling process, from opening sales calls, identifying customers’ needs, creating and presenting options, to, finally handling objections and closing the sales.
Cash Vans drivers and assistants are not “delivery boys”! The skills involved cannot be underestimated. Customers buy our product from the company through your Sales force; how and how much” they stick to the basics and culture of the Sales Call will definitely affect the result. It is how you prepare, relate, communicate, and present yourself and your product. Your professionalism, commitment and passion all count! Remember, customers always have options. The selling process has to be persuasive. Once we succeed in doing so, we start learning how to sell “strategically”.